How is the charity wallet formed?
When making any transaction of a MiniBTC coin (buying, selling or sending to another DEX wallet), 1% of the transaction is transferred to the Charity wallet The address of this wallet is in the coin's smart contract. It can’t be changed, and anyone can check the balance of the token at any time.
How is the withdrawal carried out from Charity wallet?
When a sufficient amount of coins is accumulated on the charity wallet, as decided by the development team and the project community. The coins are converted into fiat (any currency accepted for a bank transaction) and sent to an account with a partnership charity or to an individual who needs a help.
Where can I get an information about the disbursement of funds?
News about plans, implementation and results of charity is published in a special section of our forum and social networks (at the moment it is Twitter, Telegram, YouTube, активные ссылки). All documents confirming the payment and proof of the intended purpose of spending the funds will be published there.
What charities does MiniBTC work with?
At the moment, it is the humanitarian organisation "Red Crescent of Kyrgyzstan" The MiniBTC team plans to transfer 500$ monthly to the organisation’s bank account. The first payment has already been sent this month.

Which charity can receive financial assistance from MiniBTC?
Absolutely any charity organisation from any country that provides assistance to children can start working with us. It is enough to leave a request on the forum (активная ссылка). Informational partnership and transparency of spending is a prerequisite for collaboration.
What are your up-to-date plans for the development of charity?
As the MiniBTC project becomes more stable (team development, capitalisation growth, the number of users, etc.), it is planned to provide financial assistance directly to those in need. An individual (for example, a child's relatives) will be able to directly contact the team and the community for an assistance.
How will charity and coin price interact?
In order to maintain the exchange rate, withdrawal of a significant amount from the Charity wallet and convert it into fiat currency - will be done in parts. Providing informational assistance from a charity organisation will help to promote us to the word and attract new users.
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