Rewards Holding:
5% of each transaction is redistributed to token holders. That means you can earn more MINIBTC Coins by just holding them in your wallet.
4% of each transaction is added to liqudity
100% of the liquidity that was created after the presale is locked for 10 years. This means that the creator of the coin will not be able to access this money for 10 years.. In 10 years, my plans are to burn all these lp tokens. More information about OUR presale you can find here:
All the new liquidity that is created with each transaction is owned by a dead wallet.
This means that no one will ever be able to get access to liquidity tokens in their life.
1% of each transaction is redistributed to Charity Wallet.
Link to charity wallet:
Charity details:
Automatic MiniBTC burning:
Since, the presale of our coins, approximately 10% of all coins were burned. Addionally, upon redistribution, a dead wallet also receives coins.This is how the automatic burning of coins takes place with each transaction. No one can stop this process - considering that the token has no owner
5% of each transaction is redistributed to token holders. That means you can earn more MINIBTC Coins by just holding them in your wallet.
4% of each transaction is added to liqudity
100% of the liquidity that was created after the presale is locked for 10 years. This means that the creator of the coin will not be able to access this money for 10 years.. In 10 years, my plans are to burn all these lp tokens. More information about OUR presale you can find here:
All the new liquidity that is created with each transaction is owned by a dead wallet.
This means that no one will ever be able to get access to liquidity tokens in their life.
1% of each transaction is redistributed to Charity Wallet.
Link to charity wallet:
Charity details:
Automatic MiniBTC burning:
Since, the presale of our coins, approximately 10% of all coins were burned. Addionally, upon redistribution, a dead wallet also receives coins.This is how the automatic burning of coins takes place with each transaction. No one can stop this process - considering that the token has no owner
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