10000$ Giveaway in MINIBTC

I am planning to launch a large ad campaign before listing on exchanges.
For the effectiveness of this advertising and high result, we need to fill our site with useful and interesting information (unique high-level content).

Budget and Forum Currency
A budget of 10,000$ in MiniBTC has been allocated specifically for this, so everyone who will take part in filling our new platform will be able to earn money.

The site has created our internal currency - WMBTC. It is a kind of virtual stable-coin (100 WMBTC = 1 $).

Not every user can earn WMBTC, because we have restrictions on our site that will help us fight spam.

User groups, their rights and awards


After registering on the forum, you automatically join the Newbie user group.
As long as you are in the Newbie user group, it is not possible:
- [ ] creating new topics on the forum;
- [ ] chatting;
- [ ] sending out private messages.
In order to remove these restrictions, you must create at least 10 messages on the forum in topics that already exist.


After you leave 10 messages, you will automatically be added to the Holder user group.
From the Holder user group, you can:
- [ ] Chat
- [ ] Create private messages
- [ ] Create topics only in sections, such as: Crypto World (excluding Presales forum), MiniBTC Worldwide and in the Questions and suggestions forum in the MiniBTC Charity section.
All topics you create are strictly moderated. After you create at least 25 informative topics that contain useful information, you will be transferred to the Diamond Hands user group.

How and how much can you earn?

Only users of the Holder Diamond Hands and Moderator groups can make money on the forum.

While in the Holder user group.
For every friend you invite, you get 70 WMBTC.
The reward is paid subject to the activity of your friend (at least 10 meaningful messages).
If you try to deceive us and create multi-accounts yourself, then our bot will definitely see them - and you will not receive a reward for this.
For each message that has meaning, you will receive 10 WMBTC.
For each topic you create, you will receive 30 WMBTC.

Members of the Diamond Hands and Moderator groups receive 100 WMBTC for each invited friend. The reward is paid subject to the activity of your friend (at least 10 meaningful messages).

For every message that makes sense, you will receive 10 WMBTC
For each topic you create, you will receive 50 WMBTC.
Last edited:


Diamond Hands
I am planning to launch a large ad campaign before listing on exchanges.
For the effectiveness of this advertising and high result, we need to fill our site with useful and interesting information (unique high-level content).

Budget and Forum Currency
A budget of 10,000$ in MiniBTC has been allocated specifically for this, so everyone who will take part in filling our new platform will be able to earn money.

The site has created our internal currency - WMBTC. It is a kind of virtual stable-coin (100 WMBTC = 1 $).

Not every user can earn WMBTC, because we have restrictions on our site that will help us fight spam.

User groups, their rights and awards


After registering on the forum, you automatically join the Newbie user group.
As long as you are in the Newbie user group, it is not possible:
- [ ] creating new topics on the forum;
- [ ] chatting;
- [ ] sending out private messages.
In order to remove these restrictions, you must create at least 10 messages on the forum in topics that already exist.


After you leave 10 messages, you will automatically be added to the Holder user group.
From the Holder user group, you can:
- [ ] Chat
- [ ] Create private messages
- [ ] Create topics only in sections, such as: Crypto World (excluding Presales forum), MiniBTC Worldwide and in the Questions and suggestions forum in the MiniBTC Charity section.
All topics you create are strictly moderated. After you create at least 25 informative topics that contain useful information, you will be transferred to the Diamond Hands user group.

How and how much can you earn?

Hanya pengguna dari grup Holder Diamond Hands dan Moderator yang dapat menghasilkan uang di forum.

Sedangkan di grup pengguna Holder.
Untuk setiap teman yang Anda undang, Anda mendapatkan 70 WMBTC.
Hadiah dibayarkan tergantung pada aktivitas teman Anda (setidaknya 10 pesan bermakna).
Jika Anda mencoba menipu kami dan membuat multi-akun sendiri, bot kami pasti akan melihatnya - dan Anda tidak akan menerima hadiah untuk ini.
Untuk setiap pesan yang memiliki arti, Anda akan menerima 10 WMBTC.
Untuk setiap topik yang Anda buat, Anda akan menerima 30 WMBTC.

Anggota grup Diamond Hands dan Moderator menerima 100 WMBTC untuk setiap teman yang diundang. Hadiah dibayarkan tergantung pada aktivitas teman Anda (setidaknya 10 pesan bermakna).

Untuk setiap pesan yang masuk akal, Anda akan menerima 10 WMBTC
Untuk setiap topik yang Anda buat, Anda akan menerima 50 WMBTC.
Kapan kampanye dimulai pak?


MiniBTC Team
Staff member
I believe in MiniBTC. I do not expect instant big X's, but I am confident in the development of the coin and a steady increase in the price.
I am planning to launch a large ad campaign before listing on exchanges.
For the effectiveness of this advertising and high result, we need to fill our site with useful and interesting information (unique high-level content).

Budget and Forum Currency
A budget of 10,000$ in MiniBTC has been allocated specifically for this, so everyone who will take part in filling our new platform will be able to earn money.

The site has created our internal currency - WMBTC. It is a kind of virtual stable-coin (100 WMBTC = 1 $).

Not every user can earn WMBTC, because we have restrictions on our site that will help us fight spam.

User groups, their rights and awards


After registering on the forum, you automatically join the Newbie user group.
As long as you are in the Newbie user group, it is not possible:
- [ ] creating new topics on the forum;
- [ ] chatting;
- [ ] sending out private messages.
In order to remove these restrictions, you must create at least 10 messages on the forum in topics that already exist.


After you leave 10 messages, you will automatically be added to the Holder user group.
From the Holder user group, you can:
- [ ] Chat
- [ ] Create private messages
- [ ] Create topics only in sections, such as: Crypto World (excluding Presales forum), MiniBTC Worldwide and in the Questions and suggestions forum in the MiniBTC Charity section.
All topics you create are strictly moderated. After you create at least 25 informative topics that contain useful information, you will be transferred to the Diamond Hands user group.

How and how much can you earn?

Only users of the Holder Diamond Hands and Moderator groups can make money on the forum.

While in the Holder user group.
For every friend you invite, you get 70 WMBTC.
The reward is paid subject to the activity of your friend (at least 10 meaningful messages).
If you try to deceive us and create multi-accounts yourself, then our bot will definitely see them - and you will not receive a reward for this.
For each message that has meaning, you will receive 10 WMBTC.
For each topic you create, you will receive 30 WMBTC.

Members of the Diamond Hands and Moderator groups receive 100 WMBTC for each invited friend. The reward is paid subject to the activity of your friend (at least 10 meaningful messages).

For every message that makes sense, you will receive 10 WMBTC
For each topic you create, you will receive 50 WMBTC.
Such a nice project
So good to be here in the very beginning


I am planning to launch a large ad campaign before listing on exchanges.
For the effectiveness of this advertising and high result, we need to fill our site with useful and interesting information (unique high-level content).

Budget and Forum Currency
A budget of 10,000$ in MiniBTC has been allocated specifically for this, so everyone who will take part in filling our new platform will be able to earn money.

The site has created our internal currency - WMBTC. It is a kind of virtual stable-coin (100 WMBTC = 1 $).

Not every user can earn WMBTC, because we have restrictions on our site that will help us fight spam.

User groups, their rights and awards


After registering on the forum, you automatically join the Newbie user group.
As long as you are in the Newbie user group, it is not possible:
- [ ] creating new topics on the forum;
- [ ] chatting;
- [ ] sending out private messages.
In order to remove these restrictions, you must create at least 10 messages on the forum in topics that already exist.


After you leave 10 messages, you will automatically be added to the Holder user group.
From the Holder user group, you can:
- [ ] Chat
- [ ] Create private messages
- [ ] Create topics only in sections, such as: Crypto World (excluding Presales forum), MiniBTC Worldwide and in the Questions and suggestions forum in the MiniBTC Charity section.
All topics you create are strictly moderated. After you create at least 25 informative topics that contain useful information, you will be transferred to the Diamond Hands user group.

How and how much can you earn?

Only users of the Holder Diamond Hands and Moderator groups can make money on the forum.

While in the Holder user group.
For every friend you invite, you get 70 WMBTC.
The reward is paid subject to the activity of your friend (at least 10 meaningful messages).
If you try to deceive us and create multi-accounts yourself, then our bot will definitely see them - and you will not receive a reward for this.
For each message that has meaning, you will receive 10 WMBTC.
For each topic you create, you will receive 30 WMBTC.

Members of the Diamond Hands and Moderator groups receive 100 WMBTC for each invited friend. The reward is paid subject to the activity of your friend (at least 10 meaningful messages).

For every message that makes sense, you will receive 10 WMBTC
For each topic you create, you will receive 50 WMBTC.
Впечатлен идеей создание форума. Напомнил о форуме Bitcointalk, который сейчас запрещен в РФ, если получится собрать такую структуру как была там или что-то приближенное, это будет просто бомба. Правда там ничего не платили за сообщения,но там были подписи к сообщениям и можно было в этих подписях рекламировать то,что интересно пользователю. Ну и система участников со званиями это круто.


Интересная задумка перенести общение с телеграмм сюда - я полностью поддерживаю!!! Так держать
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